Learn these 7 points, and you won’t have to worry about raising pigs well!

1. Know the temperature of raising pigs:

Too low or too high temperatures will affect the feed consumption and weight gain of pigs. The suitable temperature range for raising pigs depends on the breed, age, physiological stage, feeding conditions and other factors of the pig. The optimal temperature for fattening pigs can be calculated according to the formula: T=0.06W+26 (T represents temperature, W represents pig weight in kilograms). For example, for a pig weighing 100 kilograms, the suitable temperature for the maximum weight gain rate is 20°C.

2. Know the air humidity:

High humidity weakens pigs’ disease resistance, which is conducive to the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Pigs are susceptible to scabies, eczema and respiratory diseases. When the relative humidity increases from 45% to 95%, the daily weight gain of pigs decreases by 6%-8%. The fattening effect on pigs is best when the temperature is 11℃-23℃ and the relative humidity is 50%-80%.

3. Know the airflow speed:

On hot days, air flow is conducive to evaporation and heat dissipation, so the pig house needs more ventilation. In cold weather, airflow enhances the heat dissipation of pigs and intensifies the degree of coldness. When the temperature is 4℃-19℃, compared with pigs that are often affected by airflow, pigs that are not affected by airflow consume 25% less feed and gain 6% faster weight. In winter, the airflow speed in the pig farm is preferably 0.1-0.2 meters per second, and the maximum should not exceed 0.25 meters.

4. Know the lighting degree:

The intensity of light has a significant impact on pig metabolism. Appropriately weakening the light intensity of fattening pigs can increase feed utilization by 3% and increase weight gain by 4%.

5. Know the density of captivity:

Increasing the stocking density can make full use of the effective space and reduce the cost of raising pigs. Lowering the density and ensuring the space required for pig growth and development can reduce feed intake and reduce the occurrence of vices caused by small spaces, such as defecation and urine everywhere, tail biting and other problems. Therefore, the stocking density should be reasonably controlled.

6. Know the ground slope:

The pigs eat, sleep and pull in a triangular position, which facilitates cleaning and disinfection of the pen without water accumulation. The floor of the stalls should have a certain slope from the eating and sleeping areas to the areas for defecating and peeing.

7. Know the width of the fence:

The length-to-width ratio of the pig pen should be reasonable. If the length of the pig pen is large and the width is small, it is not conducive to the activity and growth of pigs. The closer the pig house construction shape is to a square, the better it is in line with the behavioral needs of pigs.

Post time: Oct-16-2023