The international economy has an important impact on the poultry farming industry

Here are some specific aspects of the impact:

Market demand: Developments in the international economy and increases in consumer incomes are likely to increase demand for poultry farming products. For example, as the middle class expands and the standard of living improves, the demand for high quality poultry meat and other poultry products increases accordingly.

Export opportunities: Large international markets such as the United States, Africa, and East Asia offer significant export opportunities for suppliers of poultry farming products. Adapting to the needs of different countries and strengthening international trade cooperation will help increase the export volume and market share of poultry products.

Price volatility: Fluctuations in the international economy and changes in exchange rates may have an impact on price volatility in the poultry farming industry. For example, currency devaluation may lead to an increase in the cost of imports, which in turn affects export competitiveness and product pricing.

Competitive pressures: Competition in the international market may drive the poultry farming industry to improve productivity, reduce costs and innovate. At the same time, suppliers need to pay attention to international quality standards and consumption trends to improve competitiveness.

Overall, the development of the international economy has an important impact on the poultry farming industry. Suppliers need to pay close attention to international market dynamics and respond flexibly to changes in the market in order to maintain competitiveness and development prospects.

Post time: Sep-28-2023